Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Arizona - First Impressions

Hello everyone!!

I haven't been able to post in a few weeks because I moved, and then I had some technical issues with Lola (my Mac). She's all fixed now though, so I can get back to blogging! :)

I recently made a huge cross country move as many of you may already know, and I thought I would do a quick post to talk about my thoughts on Tucson so far.

1. It's beautiful.
I have never been that much of an outdoor person, but being in a place like this makes you want to spend all the time you can outside. I've never seen skies so blue, and I don't think I'll be getting tired of the palm trees anytime soon. 

2. Every day is HOT.
Some days are just hotter than others, but no day is not hot. In Arizona, a 85 degree summer day is considered cool.

3. The mountains are everywhere.
This goes hand in hand with #1 but it deserves it's own point. I can see mountains from my bed, my living room, and when I am shopping at my Target (the shot below was actually taken from its parking lot on my iPhone- no filter or editing was done to the shot. yes the sky is that blue and the mountains appear that close). You can see one of the mountain ranges from everywhere around here. We are surrounded by the beautiful mountains, and I am slowly learning which range is which.

Of course more updates on my new home and school will come soon, but until then thank you for reading! :)

xo, Deija