Friday, June 19, 2015

Liebster Award - Discovering New Blogs!

The other day I had the pleasure of receiving an email from the lovely, Louise, who writes the blog "The Blonde Breakthrough" notifying me that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award. Thank you so much Louise! 

The four rules for nomination include: 

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog 
2. Answer the questions provided by the nominator 
3. Nominate and link ten bloggers that have less than two hundred followers 
4. Create 10 questions for the nominees to answer

Here are my answers to the questions that I was given by Louise 

1. Who is your biggest inspiration in life? 

My mom is the most beautiful person I have ever known. I could write a 500 page essay about how amazing she is, but for the sake of this post - I will keep it short. Every day I am thankful that God chose her as my mom. No one else could have done the job any better - let's be honest, no one could have even come close. I aspire to be more like her with each day. 

2. What made you want to create your blog? 

Lipstick and Laughter was created so that I could share my thoughts and advice with other people. Also, I wanted to be able to connect with other blogs who I follow. The moment you start your blog you quickly become a part of a new community. I have been blessed with some down time this summer before I start graduate school in the fall, so there was no better time than now to start my blog journey. 

3. If you could travel to any country/place in the world, where would it be and why? 

Jamaica. That is where my family is from, and I still have never been. My goal is to head there by 2017. We'll see! 

4. Peanut Butter or Nutella? 


5. What do you find most challenging about maintaining a blog? 

The most challenging part is coming up with unique and original content, but still posting consistently. I never want to appear as a copy of another blog. Finding inspiration from other blogs can be helpful, but I try to develop my posts solely on my own. I would rather posts 1-2 times a week with purely original content, than post every other day with some posts being replicas of other posts. Yes it is a challenge, but I love it. It pushes me to be creative and think outside the box.

6. If someone was interested in becoming a blogger, what would your key tips be? 

- Do not feel the need to categorize yourself. You do not need to have only one "niche." Write about whatever comes to you and interests you. Your readers will appreciate that you are a dynamic person with varied interests.  

- Embrace others in the community. Try not to look at blogging as a competition.

7. Best compliment you have ever received? 

It's hard to pinpoint one compliment as the best, but one that comes to my mind first is my cousin telling me that my success encourages and inspires him. This compliment meant everything, because his resilience and perseverance to accomplish his own goals actually inspire me. 

8. If you were to have a dinner party and could only invite 5 people (celebrities included), who would you invite? 

my mom and Michelle Obama - I can't think of anyone else 

9. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

honey crisp apples with peanut butter 

10. What is your favorite movie? 

Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 

The 10 Blogs I Nominate: 

Sparkle Shine Heather
About Today
Klaudia Clara
Rochni Reviews

My 10 Questions For Them:

1. Why did you start your blog? 
2. Where is your favorite place in the world?
3. What is your favorite animal? 
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life? 
5. Pancakes or Waffles?
6. What is your biggest achievement thus far? 
7. What is one beauty product that you cannot live without? 
8. What is your dream job?
9. What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
10. If someone was interested in becoming a blogger what would your key tips be? 

I look forward to reading your answers :)
Thank you again to Louise for nominating me - don't forget to check out her blog "The Blonde Breakthrough"
xo, Deija 


  1. Congratulations on your nomination! Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is an amazing film :)

    Aeriko @

  2. Congratulations on the nomination, well deserved! Your blog and content are always on point. :D I totally agree, peanut butter is one of the best things ever yum! I hope you get the chance to visit Jamaica! Thank you so much for the nomination it means the world to me! xxxxx

  3. Thank you for the nomination darling! I sure will be making a post about this award soon!!:)x


    1. you're welcome. I look forward to reading!

  4. Thank you for nominating me! I'll send you a message when I've awnsered the questions ^^

  5. Congrats on your nomination!! :D And AMEN on the meal--honey crisp apples with peanut butter is the way to go.
    Rebecca Gregoire
