Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Don't Just Go Through the Motions"

The time has come to sign up for next semester's classes. I was in quite a pickle because I, being the indecisive person that I am, couldn't decide which of two class options that I should go with. It seemed like a decent idea to ask my advisor for her thoughts. 

My question - "Should I take class #1 where I know that I will get an A or should I take the more challenging option class #2 and risk not getting a 100%?" Of course, she suggested that I go with the more challenging option. At this point I'm thinking "why couldn't she just recommend that I go with the easy A?" 

Her reasoning - "Don't just go through the motions." She then went on to say that graduate school is not just about getting my course list completed, getting as many A's as I can, and meeting the requirements needed to graduate. I need to get the most that I can out of each course instead of having the mindset of "I just need to get this done."  

Her advice stuck with me, because this idea of being present and getting the most out of each moment is something that I have a hard time doing. I've diagnosed myself with what I call Obsessive Type A Perfectionist Crazy Person Disorder. My mind goes a thousand miles a minute and while I'm completing one task I am thinking about the next task that needs to get done. Basically I have a bad habit of running about like a chicken with my head cut off. 

It's so easy to go about each day like a mindless zombie rushing from one obligation to the next without truly being present in each moment. I think that at some point we all tend to do this. We get so consumed with our meetings, appointments, and assignments that we miss out on the little things. We scarf down our breakfast without taking the time to acknowledge that we were blessed with waking up for another day, sit through an entire lecture taking fun quizzes on Buzzfeed instead of paying attention, and speed through traffic to get to work on time without admiring the beauty of the world around us (and my, are Tucson's mountain ranges beautiful). 

It's time to start being more present. Life is passing us by and we're rushing through it like it's some sort of race. Not to be morbid, but approaching the finish line doesn't sound or look too appealing. 

I challenge everyone, including myself, to work on this. Call grandma - not while scrolling through twitter, watching your favorite tv show, or fixing your dinner. Call her and really ask her how she's doing. Go to your classes and meetings, and stay focused on the presented material the entire time. Enjoy the moments that you hadn't pinned into your schedule. You might plan to head home right when church ends so that you can get all of your assignments done. But as soon as the final prayer lets out with "Amen" the little girl next to you sees a perfect opportunity to pull out her mom's phone to show you photos of herself in her new Frozen dress. Engage in conversation with her, tell her how much you love her outfit, and let her rave about how much fun she has twirling around in it. 

Don't miss out on the little things (and the little people) because you're too busy going through the motions. 

Deija :)
Photo By: Hope Hicks