Tuesday, May 26, 2015

9 Tips For Healthy and Blemish Free Skin

Today I am talking about keeping your skin healthy and free of any break - outs or blemishes. When you are a busy and young college student, at times your skin can be the last of your worries. But there is no better time than now to start preventing premature wrinkles and lines.  I am no dermatologist, but I have found that this is what works for me. 

1. Clean Your Makeup Brushes 

This is one of those tedious tasks that no one ever wants to bother to do, but it is absolutely essential to keep your face clean. I mean think about it - you are putting these things on your precious face over and over again. If you never clean your makeup brushes, you are just causing more harm than good

The brushes you use for your foundation and concealer should be cleaned more often than other brushes, since the product on them tends to build up - about once a week. All other brushes should be cleaned every few weeks. I don't like the hassle of figuring out which ones need to be cleaned at which time, because it can just become too much to keep up with. So I usually just clean them all every week and a half - 2 weeks. 

If you'd like a tutorial on how I clean mine, let me know! 

2. Drink A Lot of Water 

I drink a TON of water - partially because I know it's good for me, but also because I just like it. I drink water with each meal and periodically throughout the day. I rarely drink juice, lemonade, or anything else - especially not pop. Drinking water not only benefits your skin, but as you probably already know, it has huge benefits for your body all around. Read more about the benefits of drinking water here

3. Get Enough Sleep 

Sleeping is my jam. I sleep on average 9 hours per night (sometimes even more), and I refuse to let anything come in the way of me and my nightly sleep. You can ask my friends. My nightly sleep means everything to me. 

Not sleeping enough can not only make you grumpy, but it can accelerate the aging process. It can be difficult to get enough sleep, especially with the college life but that is where proper planning comes into play. If you cannot figure out how to get enough sleep, then I suggest planning it into your schedule. You will thank yourself later when your skin is still beautiful decades from now. 

4. Rock Your Bare Face  

I go without makeup at least a few days a week. If I have no plans for the day and am lounging at home - no way am I going to bother with makeup. I also do not usually put on makeup when I have errands to run. If I need to make a quick Target or grocery run, I usually go with a bare face. 

5. Clean Your Face in the Morning AND at Night 

Whether I am leaving the house or not, I start my day with a proper face cleanse. Lately I have been using the Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser. I use this as well before bed. 

It is important to use what is the best for YOUR face. My skin tends to be more dry, which is why I use a cream cleanser instead of a wash.  I have used face washes in the past, but they tend to make my face more dry and give it that "squeaky clean" feel. I am a person not a car, so I prefer the feeling that I get from a cream cleanser instead. 

6.  Use a Face Mask 

The mask I have been using for the past few months is the Lush Mask of Magnaminty.  I use other products from Lush, but this is hands down my favorite. I really love the smell, and how it feels on my skin. I use this once or twice a week. It is a deep cleanser that also exfoliates the skin. 

7. Moisturize 

After I cleanse my face both in the morning and at night I put on a moisturizer. This is especially important for me since my skin can be on the dryer side. For the last year or so I have been using the Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer.  

When I remember, I will follow up my moisturizing with an eye cream. I use Neutrogena Healthy Eyes. Eye creams claim to reduce the look of lines and wrinkles, but I use mine more as a preventative measure for the future. 

8. NEVER Sleep in Your Makeup 

This tip goes hand and hand with tip #5. No matter how exhausted I am from a night out, I always remove my makeup before bed. Makeup is fun when you are all dressed up and having fun, but the moment you are heading to bed it must come off. I nearly never get break outs or blemishes, and I swear that this is the reason why. 

My nightly routine involves removing the makeup with my makeup remover that I get from Target, cleansing my face, and then following with moisturizer. Some people claim that they sleep in their makeup and have no problems, but I am too terrified to think of all the clogged pores I will have if I sleep with even an ounce of makeup on my face. 

9. Eat Fruit Every Day

My favorite food is fruit, and I eat it at least a few times each day. My favorites are apples, pineapples, and watermelon. Fruit, especially those high in Vitamin C can help your body produce collagen which is great for your skin.

And that's all! If you have any questions, or any recommendations for me please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you! 
xo, Deija 


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