Monday, July 27, 2015


Yesterday brought back overwhelming nostalgia, and a warm feeling of promise for what is to come. The week has finally come for me to move to Arizona for graduate school -- my PhD program is 5 years btw, so this move is huge. I went back to my hometown to clean out my old bedroom, and I stumbled upon way too many old memories from elementary, junior high, and high school. As I was rustling through everything in an attempt to decide what to throw away or keep, I was reminded that with this move I am leaving so much behind. Nearly anything that has ever brought me joy or pain in life lies within Ohio. 

I am grateful for everything here that has brought me pain, because each painful moment forced me to grow. I am grateful for each moment of joy, because with each moment I was reminded that there is beauty to be found in our world's haze of despair. Ohio has left me with nothing more to give, so it's time that I see what I can offer the west coast. 

Today will be spent packing up my apartment in preparation for this cross country move. With this move, I am at peace. There was no better time than now for me to continue my journey elsewhere. At this moment, this is exactly what I should be doing. My future is promising, and I am blessed with the opportunity to start anew.

My last few days here will be spent making a few more memories with those who I love. In less than a week I'll be the Grand Canyon state's newest resident! 

You could say that I'm elated. I will not argue that.



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